Monday, June 18, 2012

EWRT1A-62: Essay 3 general comments

Here are some things to keep in mind for essay 3. These are based on some patterns I saw in the papers.
  • "Short Story Title;” "Essay Title;" Book Title
  • Argue with points, don’t start body paragraphs with summary or facts. Stick to the point stated in the beginning. Start a new paragraph if you want to explore a new point.
  • Instead of points answering what characters did, have points answer why or how. Examples: What- Bruce and aunt in “No Name Woman ” committed suicide. Why- Both committed suicide because… What- Both Bechdel and Walker look at family history. How- Both analyze action of parents and compare them with selves. Why- Both look at past to understand their own identities.
  • Introduce your quotations- remember the quotation sandwich.
  • Interpret the texts; explain your evidence (quotations). How does the evidence prove your point?
  • State comparison of the texts in your explanation.
  • Give some thought to the order of your paragraphs and the order of the evidence within your paragraphs. In lit, writers usually use chronological or cause/ effect order. The order (structure) should reinforce the meaning.

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