Wednesday, December 11, 2013

EWRT1A section 30: final

So now the final. We'll meet in our regular classroom, S49, from 4-6 on Friday. Remember the following things:

  • Reading Responses 8-10 (the ones you already did)
  • your copy of Fun Home
  • paper, for the in-class essay
  • something to write with, preferably a pen
For those of you who handed in your essay 3 on time, I'll have that to hand back to you. As for when you can know your grade, final grades are due by December 18th, but I should have them done before then.

If you have any questions, just ask.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Down to the wire

I am at the library and there are fifteen minutes left. I am missing papers from seven of you. If the papers are not handed in before five, they will be graded as late.

Essay 3 reminder

3 o'clock. Library. Today.

  • Works cited list
  • Two complete drafts
  • No sentence fragments

Friday, December 6, 2013

"beliefs [about studying] that make you stupid"

A fellow teacher just shared the following videos with me. This is from a series put together by Professor Stephen Chew, a cognitive psychologist at Samford University. In this series, Chew shows why many incoming college students do poorly and proposes ways to fix the problem. Some of his ideas are similar to things I mentioned the first two days of class, but he takes a psychological approach.

This second video covers "deep processing," which is a cognitive psychologist's way of talking about active reading.

Think about what Chew says as you prepare for your finals for this quarter.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

EWRT1A30: essay 3 due date

The original due date for essay 3 was Thursday, December 5th. You may still turn in the essay then. Yet because of the holiday, you haven't had a weekend to review the comments on your drafts. So you have the option to turn essay 3 in next Tuesday, December 10th. I will be in the library on the first floor sitting at one of the tables next to the reference computers (if you've come to my office hours, you've seen me there). I will be there during our normal class hours, 3-5. But I would appreciate it if you dropped off your paper closer to 3.

If this doesn't work for you, you may leave your paper in the faculty drop box (it's outside ADM 111). Make sure you label your paper clearly so that it gets put in my box. Also, e-mail me that you've done this so I can be sure to make sure I get it. But this also needs to be done on or before Tuesday, December 10th.

In either case, do not neglect:

  • two complete drafts of your essay
  • an MLA works cited list