Monday, September 29, 2008

EWRT1A-68: essay 1

Here is the handout for essay 1 (in case you lost it or missed it):

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EWRT1A-68: active reading and reading response 1

Here is a .pdf about active reading. It covers much of what I went over in class today.

And here's the link to chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Be sure to use a dictionary to look up words you don't know.

And here's a link to information about Paulo Freire that may help you to understand the reading.

And lastly, here's the prompt again for reading response 1: Briefly explain the two categories of education that Freire describes. What is the effect of each style on the students, according to Freire? Do you agree with the effects he describes? I encourage you to use your own experiences as illustrations in your response.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

EWRT1A-68: the books

Here are the books for the class with links to them at

- Rereading America, seventh edition. Ed. Colombo, Cullen, and Lisle.
- The Bedford Handbook, seventh edition. Diana Hacker.
- The Awakening. Kate Chopin. Bedford College Edition.

These books are not at the bookstore yet, but will be there soon.