Friday, February 18, 2011

EWRT1A-25: essay 2 comments: requirements

Make sure you review the essay 2 prompts before you revise your essay. A few of you failed to meet the basic requirements of the assignment.

• Remember that each out-of-class essay is a response to the readings in each section. So essay 2 is supposed to be a response to the "Finding a Voice" essays. That section spans from Angelou through Tannen. You can use one of the "Education" essays, but the focus is supposed to be on the "Voice" essays. This requirement is stated at the top of the essay 2 handout.

• MLA citation is required. That means in-text citation and a works cited list. Most of you are fine, but a few of you neglected to have works cited lists in your first drafts and I want to make sure you remember to include them with your final drafts.

• Two complete drafts are required.

Failure to meet the requirements of the assignment will result in a failing grade. If you have any questions, please e-mail me.

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