Tuesday, March 8, 2011

EWRT1A-25: essay 3 first draft due next class

The first draft of essay 3 is due next time. Get as complete as you can, but I expect the drafts to be pretty rough. This will be the only chance for you to get feedback from me about this paper.

This paper is supposed to be an analysis of two works of literature, one of the short stories and the novel. Analysis means to take things apart, to look for patterns. If your paper is simply describing events in the order they happened, then you probably aren't analyzing and are instead simply summarizing. Also keep in mind that you are analyzing the texts, not real life. The goal is not to come to some "lesson" about life, but to come to an understanding about what the texts mean.

And lastly, don’t just analyze the stories separately. As with paper two, the essay should show synthesis. The thesis should state a connection between both texts and the evidence in your essay should demonstrate that connection.

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