Tuesday, March 23, 2010

EWRT1A-62: final

150 points total - 3 sections

1. Grammar - 10 points - 5 sentences - 2 points each
mixed constructions
active verbs (clear sentences)
modifiers- misplaced and dangling
conciseness (wordiness)

2. Short answer - 40 points - 4 questions - 10 points each
"No Name Woman"
"A Rose For Emily"

3. Essay - 100 points
Connect Frankenstein with one of the short stories.
Think about connections of theme and style. Find commonalities between the short stories and the novel. Then think of specific scenes that demonstrate these connections. For instance, all of the stories manipulate point of view. Does the manipulation of point of view have a similar effect in the stories? All the stories also deal with social outsiders. Are the causes for why the characters are social outcasts similar? Or are the effects of being social outcasts comparable for the characters? Other connections the class came up with were the obsession with death, the inability to accept change, the avoidance of responsibility, the drive for revenge, the evil of society, the need for attention, the desire for companionship, and the effects of isolation (notice the parallel structure there?).

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