Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Malcolm X videos

In case you've never heard Malcolm X speak before–and even if you have–you might want to check out these videos (this sentence shows an example of the em dash, by the way).

This first one shows a debate Malcolm X was part of at Oxford College in England. Oxford is one of the most famous colleges in the European world and for a man like Malcolm X to stand there and have everyone listen to him is very symbolic. He also explains what we now call institutional racism.

This next one was filmed earlier in Malcolm X's life even though it's in color. What's nice about this one is that here Malcolm X has to articulate his beliefs to someone who doesn't fully understand or necessarily believe them. Also, it shows how polite Malcolm X was. Hurlbut (a really unfortunate name) constantly interrupts Malcolm X and gets things wrong, but Malcolm X takes it in stride and just tries to calmly explain what he means.

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