Monday, May 5, 2008

EWRT1B-21: Reading Response 5 and Arthur Miller

Reading Response 5: Who or what is responsible for the fall of Willy Loman? Use evidence from the play to back up your claim.

Here's the 1999 interview by Charlie Rose of Arthur Miller. This was for the 50th anniversary of Death of a Salesman. When Rose asks him to say what the play is about, Miller doesn't want to boil it all down to a sentence, but then he gives several answers which may help your understanding of what this piece of drama is about and trying to say. Though, as always, literature is not about neat little messages. It's about the experience of the art itself. Brian Dennehy comes in at 19:52 to talk about his take on Willy Loman.


Sam said...

good thing... i never wrote down the prompt :)

Kerry Dennehy said...

That's funny. I was looking at this class blog for the first time in the year or so I've been reading your stuff only to discover that you have a video of my uncle on it. Small world.