Friday, October 10, 2014

EWRT1A sections 37 and 63: Reading Response 3

Reading Response 3
Mike Rose “I Just Wanna Be Average”
Choose one of the prompts below or come up with your own focus.

1. Mike Rose describes how the students in the vocational ed track shut down intellectually. Why does this happen? What gets in the way of them being able to receive an education? Don’t simply make a list; choose a focus and demonstrate it with examples from the text.

2. A large change occurs in Mike Rose’s educational life. He goes from being intellectually deadened to becoming intellectually alive. So what helps bring about this change in him? What lessons about education can you draw from this?

3. What effects did MacFarland’s teaching have on the young Mike Rose? Point to specific examples. What conclusions can you draw from this about the possibilities for education?

4. How is Rose’s essay an example of Freire’s theories? State a clear point (or points) of comparison and demonstrate it (them) with specific examples from both texts.

5. Compare Mike Rose’s personal essay with Jean Anyon’s primary research. What connections do you see? State a clear point (or points) of comparison and demonstrate it (them) with specific examples from both texts.

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