Fall 2014 EWRT1A Essay 1- the Meaning of Education
Write an essay on one of the prompts below. The essay should be 3-4 pages, typed, double-spaced, and in accordance with the MLA guidelines (see Rules for Writers). Cite the essay(s) you refer to and be sure to provide a works cited list.
1. The Ideal. As we have seen, even though most people emphasize the importance of education, they often disagree about what effect education is supposed to have. Keeping in mind what we have read and discussed in class, what do you think education is for? Provide specific evidence to support your opinion with at least one example from our readings and one from your own experience/observation.
2. The Real. People have many opinions about what education should do for society, but as a few of our readings point out, the true purpose of education can sometimes be surprising and even the opposite of what most people believe it should be. Keeping in mind what we have read and discussed in class, what does the intent of education seem to really be? Use at least one example from an essay that we have read and at least one example from your own experience/observation.
The goal of this essay is to engage with the ideas brought up in the class. Both prompts ask you to connect at least one of the readings with your own experience and/or observation. In order to get started, you could begin with your own beliefs about education and see which reading best supports your opinion. Or you could take an insight about education articulated in one of the readings and then think of a personal experience that could act as an example. In any case, the best way to get ideas is to read the texts for the class actively and to participate in class discussion.
Also, keep in mind that you are trying to show what education does, so your examples need to demonstrate that. Negative examples, such as people who failed to achieve the purpose of education, don’t adequately demonstrate the effect of education. Lastly, your personal example does not have to be limited to the U.S. Just make sure it connects to an essay we’ve read and to your thesis.
Remember that a first draft and a final draft are both required.
first draft due October 9
final draft due October 21
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