Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tough Guise

Tough Guise. Please watch the following video for Tuesday. It is a seven minute version of a one hour video. As you watch it, keep certain questions in mind.

  • According to Jackson Katz, what are the obstacles young men face to being true to their own identities? Where do these obstacles come from?
  • Katz says that concepts of masculinity and violence are connected. Is he convincing in this claim? Do you think that this is culturally reinforced, as Katz argues, or do you think this is a result of nature? Both?
  • What are the effects on young men who "take on the tough guise," according to Katz? Do you agree with him?
  • How does Katz think young men are going to be able to be "better men"?
  • Does Katz offer enough evidence to support his claims?
  • Do your own experiences confirm or contradict Katz's claims?