And here are some general comments on the drafts of essay 3. These are in bullet form (in other words, sentence framents).
- "Short Story Title,” "Essay Title," Novel Title
- Argue with points, don’t start body paragraphs with summary or quotations
- Start a new paragraph if you want to explore a new point
- Instead of points answering “what” characters did, have points answer “why” or “how.” What -Bruce and aunt in “NNW” committed suicide. Why- both committed suicide because… What- both Bechdel and Walker look at family past. How- both analyze action of parents/compare them with selves. Why- both look at past to understand their own identities
- Introduce quotations- remember quotation sandwich
- Be specific
- Order of essay- in lit, usually chronological or cause/ effect order
- Order (structure) should reinforce meaning
- Remember that in Fun Home, the images can serve as evidence, also. If you describe a specific panel, just put the page number in parentheses for MLA citation.
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