Saturday, December 1, 2012

EWRT1A sections 27 and 65: Grammar Review 5 and essay 3 comments

Here is Grammar Review 5. There are only five sentences, but you'll need to be creative.

And here are some general comments on the drafts of essay 3. These are in bullet form (in other words, sentence framents).

  • "Short Story Title,” "Essay Title," Novel Title
  • Argue with points, don’t start body paragraphs with summary or quotations
  • Start a new paragraph if you want to explore a new point
  • Instead of points answering “what” characters did, have points answer “why” or “how.” What -Bruce and aunt in “NNW” committed suicide. Why- both committed suicide because… What- both Bechdel and Walker look at family past. How- both analyze action of parents/compare them with selves. Why- both look at past to understand their own identities
  • Introduce quotations- remember quotation sandwich
  • Be specific
  • Order of essay- in lit, usually chronological or cause/ effect order
  • Order (structure) should reinforce meaning
  • Remember that in Fun Home, the images can serve as evidence, also. If you describe a specific panel, just put the page number in parentheses for MLA citation.

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