Monday, May 24, 2010

EWRT1B-16: write a poem!

For Wednesday, write a poem based on the instructions given at the beginning of "Theme For English B" (981). Try using some of the means and meanings of poetry we have gone over to create your poem. Aim for about a page. Overall though, the goal here is to have fun. Don't restrict yourself too much. As I said in class, I think one has a better appreciation for poetry when one tries to actually write a poem.

And here's an animation of Emily Dickinson's poem "I heard a Fly buzz–when I died–" (940).


Andrew Shu said...

Hey for the Emily Dickinson reading do we have to write a journal entry covering all her poems?

Nick Mullins said...

No. Just write about the ones that strike you the most. You can write about them all as a group also.