Friday, April 17, 2009

EWRT1A-63: Jean Anyon essay

Is it just me or is the Google Book Search preview of Rereading America not working? Let me know if you have trouble accessing it. You can still read Jean Anyon's essay "Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work" on-line. There is a link here and one here.

If you have any trouble accessing the reading for this class, please let me know. Keep in mind that there is a copy of Rereading America on reserve in the library also. Yet if all these options don't work for you, please let me know and we can work something out.

If you want to know more about Jean Anyon, here's her website. She teaches in the Urban Education Department at CUNY.

And on a different note, the classic writing text The Elements of Style is 50 years old. It's still a really useful book after all these years. It discusses basic grammar, but the most useful part of the book (to me) is it's advice on style, how to write clear, concise sentences.  There's an article about  The Elements of Style at NPR with examples from the text.

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