Reading Response 3 - A Doll House (1349)
Due: Tuesday, February 3
Please provide specific evidence from the play to support your response. Choose one of the following…
1. In what ways does Nora change in each of the three acts? In what aspects does she remain constant? How is the Nora at the close of the play a better or worse person than the Nora at the start?
2. Krogstad seems to be the main antagonist of the play. Is he simply a villain? In what ways does Ibsen get us to feel sympathy for Krogstad?
3. Why do you think Dr. Rank is happier after he confesses his love for Nora? How might this relate to situations the other characters are in?
4. Compare Torvald’s character with that of Dr. Rank and Krogstad. What insights do these comparisons reveal? What do you see about Torvald’s character in comparison to the other men?
5. Contrast the final dialogue between Mrs. Linde and Krogstad with the final one between Torvald and Nora. What differences do you see? Why are these significant?