The original due date for essay 3 was Thursday, December 5th. You may still turn in the essay then. Yet because of the holiday, you haven't had a weekend to review the comments on your drafts. So you have the option to turn essay 3 in next
Tuesday, December 10th. I will be in the library on the first floor sitting at one of the tables next to the reference computers (if you've come to my office hours, you've seen me there). I will be there during our normal class hours, 3-5. But I would appreciate it if you dropped off your paper closer to 3.
If this doesn't work for you, you may leave your paper in the faculty drop box (
it's outside ADM 111). Make sure you label your paper clearly so that it gets put in my box. Also, e-mail me that you've done this so I can be sure to make sure I get it. But this also needs to be done on or before Tuesday, December 10th.
In either case, do not neglect:
- two complete drafts of your essay
- an MLA works cited list