Thursday, June 28, 2012

EWRT1A-62: grades have been submitted

I submitted the grades this morning. I don't know when they'll be available for you to view, but soon.

The above picture is from the first day of class. These are the lists we made of what makes a good essay and what things you felt you needed to work on.

Monday, June 25, 2012

EWRT1A-62: final

The final is in our regular classroom on Tuesday from 6:15-8:15. You will need Fun Home and you can bring a print dictionary, but no other books or notes. Be sure to have paper and pens.

Monday, June 18, 2012

EWRT1A-62: Essay 3 general comments

Here are some things to keep in mind for essay 3. These are based on some patterns I saw in the papers.
  • "Short Story Title;” "Essay Title;" Book Title
  • Argue with points, don’t start body paragraphs with summary or facts. Stick to the point stated in the beginning. Start a new paragraph if you want to explore a new point.
  • Instead of points answering what characters did, have points answer why or how. Examples: What- Bruce and aunt in “No Name Woman ” committed suicide. Why- Both committed suicide because… What- Both Bechdel and Walker look at family history. How- Both analyze action of parents and compare them with selves. Why- Both look at past to understand their own identities.
  • Introduce your quotations- remember the quotation sandwich.
  • Interpret the texts; explain your evidence (quotations). How does the evidence prove your point?
  • State comparison of the texts in your explanation.
  • Give some thought to the order of your paragraphs and the order of the evidence within your paragraphs. In lit, writers usually use chronological or cause/ effect order. The order (structure) should reinforce the meaning.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

EWRT1A-62: Grammar Review 5

Here it is, coordination/subordination and parallel structure.

Friday, June 8, 2012

EWRT1A-62: essay 3 first draft

The first draft of essay 3 is due Tuesday. I expect these to be rougher than previous first drafts, but get as complete as you can. The more you have, the more there is to comment on. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:
  • Focus on analysis, not summary. 
  • Analysis means to take apart, to look for patterns. So you should be connecting examples from different places in the texts. If you are discussing a text only in the order it is presented, then you are probably not analyzing.
  • The analysis leads to insight. The question is, how does your insight add
    to understanding the novel and the other text? Your goal is to understand the texts better, not to come to some general insight about how the world works.
  • Don’t just analyze texts separately; show connections.
  • Your thesis should unify both texts.
  • Remember to choose your structure wisely: point by point or subject by subject.
  • Review the list on page 30 of our reader. The suggestions there are very good.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

EWRT1A-62: Grammar Review 4

This is due Tuesday, June 12th. Keep in mind that while this is called a grammar review, what we are practicing are specific style concepts. The sentences on the worksheet are all grammatically correct as they are. Your goal is to apply the concepts of conciseness and active verbs to them. Remember that the Rules for Writers book covers both concepts.

And Reading Response 9 will be done in class this Thursday.