Friday, June 24, 2011

EWRT1A-24: final grades

I submitted the grades this morning, so they should be available to you soon. If you can't wait, you can always e-mail me.

Thanks for a nice quarter and good luck.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EWRT1A-24: essay 3 due date

You can turn in essay 3 on Thursday, June 16th, as listed on the syllabus. Or for no late penalty, you can turn in it on Tuesday, June 21st. As I mentioned in class, Thursday is safer for several reasons, but if you need the time, then hand it in Tuesday. Remember that two drafts need to be handed in, regardless of whether or not you handed a first draft in previously.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

EWRT1A-24: bring your readers to class

Please bring your readers to class tonight. We'll be reading "My Last Duchess," a heartwarming poem about marriage.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

EWRT1A-24: essay 3 first drafts

I expect these first drafts to be pretty rough, but try to get as complete as you can. Remember, the goal is synthesis. Your thesis should point out a connection between the texts. The body paragraphs should analyze the texts. Interpret specific scenes and quotations.

If you want additional help, the Owl at Purdue has good advice about writing about literature.

Friday, June 3, 2011

EWRT1A-24: conciseness

We didn't get around to talking about conciseness in class, but be sure to read the chapter in the Longman, pages 190-191. Conciseness is a style choice and not everyone values it. Still, while you're in this class try to cut down on wordiness, try to write things as clearly and directly as possible. See how it works for you. Of course, when you're done with this class, you can do whatever you want.

Anyway, the book has a lot of good suggestions for how to get rid if unnecessary wordiness. My one addition is to focus on verbs.
  • Careful verb choice eliminates the need for adverbs.
    - He walked very slowly around the table.
    > He crept around the table.
  • Active verbs eliminate overly wordy "to be" and passive verb constructions.
    To be: There were mistakes made.
    Passive: Mistakes were made.
    Active: We made mistakes.
Here is the exercise, due Tuesday. Only five sentences this time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

EWRT1A-24: presentation groups for next week

A lot of people were absent today. There is a flu going around and it's also nearing the end of the quarter. Anyway, let me list the presentation groups for next week so you can be sure to exchange contact info. Keep in mind that I can't give out a student's e-mail address unless I am given permission by that student.

June 7- Frankenstein chapters 11-16

June 9- Frankenstein chapters 17-21