Wednesday, October 22, 2008

11-year-old told she has to remove hijab to play soccer

This doesn't really have much to do with gender, but it relates to Haydar's essay. The girl in the picture above plays soccer in Canada. She was told by a referee that she had to take off her hijab in order to play. The officials cited some rule that said soccer players can't wear clothes that may endanger other players. The order was supported by the premier of Québec, Jean Charest. Anyway, you can read the entire article here.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

EWRT1A-68: reading response 3

EWRT1A-68 Reading Response 3: Respond to either question 4 or 5 on page 238.

Also, be sure to keep hold of your first draft to essay 1. You will be turning it back in with your final draft.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

EWRT1A-68: Malcolm X video

This video is short and encapsulates a lot of Malcolm X's beliefs. The interviewer, Hurlbut (an unfortunate name), asks questions that many people had at the time. At times Hurlbut is a bit patronizing, but his attitude only serves to clarify Malcolm X's points.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

EWRT1A-68: link to Jean Anyon essay

In case the bookstore doesn't get extra copies of the book in by Friday, here's a link to Jean Anyon's essay "Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

EWRT1A-68: handouts about thesis statements

We've been talking about thesis statements the last few class sessions. A lot of the things we've discussed are also detailed in the Bedford. See pages 31-37. I also wanted to make available to you my own notes.